Inzozi AcademyStudent Story

Transformed By The Word Of God

Kelly, a beneficiary of the Hagari Student Partnership Program, faced several challenges at his former school that hindered his academic progress. When he was transferred to Inzozi Academy in September 2024—a school established by Hagari Rwanda to provide quality education to children like him—his new teachers assessed his academic level as average, with limited reading ability.

“Coming from a learning environment that met only the bare minimum, Kelly believed he was doing well. To his surprise, the learning system at Inzozi Academy demanded more. It required his engagement and the application of the knowledge he gained,” explained his teacher, Mr. Simon.

Kelly’s transition to Inzozi Academy was not just academically challenging; it was also spiritually transformative. Initially, he showed little interest in Bible study sessions, and his body language made it clear he was disengaged. To address this, his Bible teacher, Mr. Siabo, gave him the responsibility of reading scriptures aloud to his classmates. This simple yet intentional act gave Kelly a sense of purpose and accountability.

As Kelly began reading scripture, the words started to resonate with him. His engagement deepened, and he started reflecting on the lessons. Kelly began asking questions and participating in meaningful discussions both in and out of class. Through these sessions, he encountered messages of love, forgiveness, and purpose that challenged and inspired him.

The more Kelly immersed himself in the Word, the greater his interest grew. He started taking initiative, eagerly looking forward to Bible study sessions, and sharing insights that inspired his peers. These lessons have become not just academic but deeply personal, as Kelly has begun internalizing the teachings, applying them to his life, and experiencing much-needed spiritual growth.

Kelly’s newfound passion for the Bible is slowly shaping his discipline and character for the better. Hagari’s discipleship program is playing a vital role in the lives of beneficiaries by softening their hearts and shaping their behaviors. This enables them to fully embrace the benefits of other programs, such as education and family support, which are designed to interrupt the cycle of poverty and replace it with a cycle of empowerment.

Student Story

From Indifference To Inspiration

Divine, a primary four student, was previously labeled as lazy, slow, and indifferent at her former school. This negative perception was one of the key reasons why Hagari Rwanda worked tirelessly to transfer her and her classmates to Inzozi Academy. For students like Divine, who come from troubled backgrounds, struggling in school is common. However, such challenges should be seen as opportunities for all stakeholders to identify areas where support is most needed.

In September of this year, when Divine joined Inzozi Academy, her new teachers recognized these challenges. Rather than labeling her, they focused on supporting her through a specialized and individualized learning environment. This tailored approach has proven to be the catalyst for Divine’s transformation.

At Inzozi Academy, the teacher-student ratio in primary four is an impressive 1:6. With one teacher overseeing just six students, every child, including Divine, is actively engaged in their learning. This structure has eliminated the problem of laziness by ensuring that each student is meaningfully involved. Furthermore, teachers at Inzozi are empowered to integrate the academy’s core values into their lessons. Two of these values—excellence and responsibility—have played a significant role in addressing Divine’s tardiness and indifference. Divine now understands that being slow and indifferent prevents her from doing her best, leaving opportunities unfulfilled.

Mr. Siabo, her Bible study teacher, shared his perspective: “She now embodies a spirit of curiosity, a hunger for knowledge, and a deep faith. Her progress is a testament to the power of hope, education, and spiritual guidance.”

Academically, Divine lost valuable time during her earlier years when she struggled and disengaged. Her teachers at Inzozi Academy are now helping her catch up on the content she missed. They are mindful of the “Matthew Effect”—a phenomenon where students who start their education strong continue to excel, while those who begin poorly tend to struggle later. With Divine’s newfound positive attitude, her teachers are confident that her learning journey can be turned around.

Through its mission of reimagining education, Hagari Rwanda, alongside Inzozi Academy, is committed to empowering and equipping young lives like Divine’s. A heartfelt thanks goes out to the well-wishers who generously donate towards the purchase of learning materials and the development of Inzozi Academy—an institution transforming the future of education in Rwanda.

Student Story

Breaking the Cycle: Shared by Mama Joy

The education of my child worried me a lot. My concern was not whether she would go to school but whether she would attain a quality education—one that would transform her and impact this nation. That was my primary concern as my child approached school-going age. While there are good schools in Kigali, they are far from affordable. Without Hagari Rwanda stepping in, the fate of my child would have been sealed. The cycle of poverty and illiteracy would have continued in our family. But today, I am confident that my child is being prepared for opportunities and a life I never had.

Joy is currently in Nursery One and has been attending Inzozi Academy for three months. The impact this institution has had on her is astonishing. Her social and emotional development amazes me. She used to cry for everything she saw; her demands were relentless, and her tantrums were overwhelming. When my family was accepted into the Hagari Student Partnership Program, the teachers committed to supporting Joy, and I received help from the Hagari Family Support Team through weekly training sessions and home visits. In these sessions, I learned proper parenting techniques, which equipped me with the skills to address my child’s behavior. This holistic approach by Hagari, aimed at supporting the entire family, is incredibly rare among the NGOs operating in our community.

I am eternally grateful to Hagari Rwanda for shouldering the cost of my child’s education. With Joy attending Inzozi Academy, a school owned and run by Hagari, she is now in a safe and nurturing environment. Previously, I either had to leave her with a well-wisher or take her to my workplace, which caused me significant stress. Additionally, I struggled to make ends meet and could not have afforded her school fees. Now, my daughter enjoys two free nutritious meals per day, safe drinking water throughout the day, and the support of two teachers in her class who ensure that Joy and her peers have their learning needs met.