Transformed By The Word Of God
Kelly, a beneficiary of the Hagari Student Partnership Program, faced several challenges at his former school that hindered his academic progress. When he was transferred to Inzozi Academy in September 2024—a school established by Hagari Rwanda to provide quality education to children like him—his new teachers assessed his academic level as average, with limited reading ability.
“Coming from a learning environment that met only the bare minimum, Kelly believed he was doing well. To his surprise, the learning system at Inzozi Academy demanded more. It required his engagement and the application of the knowledge he gained,” explained his teacher, Mr. Simon.
Kelly’s transition to Inzozi Academy was not just academically challenging; it was also spiritually transformative. Initially, he showed little interest in Bible study sessions, and his body language made it clear he was disengaged. To address this, his Bible teacher, Mr. Siabo, gave him the responsibility of reading scriptures aloud to his classmates. This simple yet intentional act gave Kelly a sense of purpose and accountability.

As Kelly began reading scripture, the words started to resonate with him. His engagement deepened, and he started reflecting on the lessons. Kelly began asking questions and participating in meaningful discussions both in and out of class. Through these sessions, he encountered messages of love, forgiveness, and purpose that challenged and inspired him.
The more Kelly immersed himself in the Word, the greater his interest grew. He started taking initiative, eagerly looking forward to Bible study sessions, and sharing insights that inspired his peers. These lessons have become not just academic but deeply personal, as Kelly has begun internalizing the teachings, applying them to his life, and experiencing much-needed spiritual growth.
Kelly’s newfound passion for the Bible is slowly shaping his discipline and character for the better. Hagari’s discipleship program is playing a vital role in the lives of beneficiaries by softening their hearts and shaping their behaviors. This enables them to fully embrace the benefits of other programs, such as education and family support, which are designed to interrupt the cycle of poverty and replace it with a cycle of empowerment.