Munezero Uwase, affectionately known as Happy by her peers and acquaintances, is currently a student in senior two and a beneficiary of the Hagari Rwanda student partnership program. She is an exemplary model student. The Ministry has witnessed Happy make remarkable progress, improving her grades from 50% to now consistently scoring in the range of 70 – 80%. Her hard work, and determination, alongside support from Hagari staff, have been commendable. Ms. Doreen, the social worker assigned to her, is fond of Happy, as she never causes any trouble, and her academic trajectory has been nothing short of impressive. When asked about the secret to her academic improvement, Happy humbly attributes it to effective time management, unwavering dedication, and God’s grace. Her pride in her accomplishments is evident, and she is determined to maintain her upward trajectory.
As a reward for her exceptional performance, Happy’s mother surprised her with a beautiful dress. Ms. Doreen, moved by her achievements, gifted her a pair of stylish sneakers. These tokens of appreciation serve as tangible reminders of her hard work and success. Hagari Rwanda’s support extends beyond financial assistance. By covering Happy’s tuition and health insurance, the organization provides a solid foundation for her education. Moreover, the guidance and moral support offered by Hagari Rwanda staff has been instrumental in keeping Happy focused and motivated.
Happy’s story is a ray of hope, demonstrating that with faith, perseverance, and the right support, young people can overcome challenges and achieve extraordinary results.