Uwimphuhwe Emerance, affectionately known as Mama Sammy, used to be an example of an overprotective mother. Emerance is a beneficiary of Hagari Rwanda, and her son Sammy is enrolled at Inzozi Academy under Hagari Rwanda’s student partnership program. Emerance found herself caught up in a cycle of overindulgence that hindered Sammy’s growth and development. Her parenting style raised concerns for Mr. Gaston, a Hagari Rwanda social worker, and Ms. Mary, Sammy’s dedicated teacher.
Sammy struggled to adapt to the school environment, and his overreliance on his mother was evident in his daily challenges. Alarmed by the situation, Mr. Gaston and Ms. Mary felt compelled to intervene. They engaged Emerance in a heart-to-heart conversation, offering invaluable parenting advice and guidance. Mr. Gaston utilized some of the tools he acquired in the Celebrating the Children Workshop organized by Loom International in Arusha, Tanzania at the start of this year, to develop practical strategies to help Emerance foster independence and responsibility in Sammy.
Emerance, who gave birth to Sammy at the beginning of Covid-19 and was abandoned by his father, developed unhealthy parenting traits. For example, she became overprotective and didn’t allow her son to play with his peers in the neighborhood, keeping him indoors. She turned the boy into the center of attention, meeting all his demands, even the unnecessary and unrealistic ones, and breastfed him beyond the age of three, something that is very rare in their community. This failure to teach the young man boundaries explains why Sammy struggled a lot in his first months at school.
The teachers and assigned social worker have worked closely with Emerance and her son to bring about balanced parenting that involves doing most things in moderation. With newfound knowledge and support, Emerance has gradually learned to strike a balance between care and discipline, empowering Sammy to develop essential life skills. She is a proud mother who has successfully transitioned from overindulgence to effective parenting. Her story is a testament to the power of support, education, and the unwavering commitment of Hagari Rwanda to the holistic development of children and their families.