My name is Mugisha Clement, and my friends and family affectionately call me “Boy.” I am a dedicated participant in Project Serve, and my youth ministry leader often selects me due to my enthusiasm and commitment to the cause. This positive feedback validates my efforts and encourages me to continue striving for excellence.
Project Serve has become more than just a program for me; it has been a life-changing experience that has shaped my skills, relationships, and faith. Through this initiative, I have gained practical knowledge in construction and have honed my skills in systematic Bible study. The hands-on learning experience has equipped me with valuable skills that extend beyond the immediate tasks, and the Bible study sessions have deepened my understanding of scripture, allowing me to approach my faith with a more informed perspective.
Participating in the morning Bible study sessions during our outreach and demonstrating the love of Christ through the construction of houses for the vulnerable has further strengthened my spiritual life. The combination of practical service, spiritual growth, and communal living has greatly enriched my life.
Another significant aspect of Project Serve for me has been the opportunity to work and live closely with others. The shared experiences, challenges, and victories have led to deep and lasting friendships. Working and living together has provided me with the opportunity to develop meaningful and lasting relationships, for which I am thankful to Hagari Rwanda for facilitating through Project Serve.
Through Hagari Rwanda, I have gained a renewed appreciation for my homeland by being exposed to different parts of Rwanda during the outreach, which has opened my eyes to the beauty of Rwanda’s countryside.
“Clement’s journey with Project Serve is a testament to the lasting impact that the program has on its participants. Through learning new skills, building deep friendships, and growing in faith, Clement has been transformed into a more capable and committed individual, ready to serve both his community and God.” – Siabo Solomon, Youth Ministry Leader.