Babu, a young boy in the Hagari Rwanda student partnership program, faced significant challenges at the start of his education. At La Divine Primary, he was known for his disruptive behavior and poor social skills, struggling with reading, writing, and spoken English. His future
seemed uncertain, causing concern for his family and Hagari Rwanda staff.
At home, Babu’s behavior was similarly problematic, making it difficult for his mother to manage. After much deliberation, Hagari Rwanda transferred him to Inzozi Academy, despite the risk of moving him from 3rd to 1st grade. This change was essential for providing the close monitoring and support he needed.
Teacher Esther, the lead Primary 1 teacher, and other staff recognized that Babu needed comprehensive support. Collaborating with Hagari Rwanda’s family support team, they devised an intervention plan addressing his academic and behavioral challenges. Understanding the importance of parental involvement, Teacher Esther and the team engaged Babu’s mother, providing her with strategies to manage his behavior at home. This consistent support created a nurturing environment for Babu.
The interventions yielded remarkable results. Babu’s grades improved with personalized attention and tailored learning strategies. His reading and writing skills significantly progressed, and his spoken English became commendable. Once struggling with basic literacy, Babu developed a love for reading, boosting his confidence. Beyond academics, Babu gained emotional intelligence, learning to manage his emotions and interact positively with peers. His improved manners made him a pleasant presence both at school and at home.
His mother proudly speaks of his progress: “He now speaks good English, and his manners are commendable. We have started to live amicably at home.”
Babu’s transformation demonstrates how targeted interventions and compassionate guidance can positively impact struggling children, setting them on a path to success and fulfillment. His journey at Inzozi Academy exemplifies the transformative power of education on both learners and their families.